Saturday, July 28, 2007

Oh, this KING of fruits..

Driving past Sembulan market yesterday (another one of those mini markets I roam), K pointed at some fruits at the corner stalls and I glanced over. What I saw almost made me jump out of the car and he had to make an emergency stop (the car behind almost kissed us and I got that look that could kill). Dashing out, I almost dropped my camera (Leanne had to take over the photo shooting) and these were the cause of all that trouble...

Jungle durians!!

I grew up in Tamparuli, a small town about 40 km from KK. We grew up with these and when fruit season came by we skipped meals and had them for lunch and dinner.

The durian season has been here for a month or so but every time I passed by stalls that offer all those huge looking fruits, I shuddered. Why, you might ask, since I am so crazy about durians . Well, those big fruits just don't taste like durians to me. And after so many episodes with fruits that had an inch-thick, pulpy, bland and odourless flesh (I actually felt so nauseous after just one seed), I was put off durian for a long while.

And finding these spiky jewels fired up my obsession with the fruit again. Oh, the fragrance and the sweet velvety texture of the delicious flesh....

This little fruit is about the size of a 'sepak takraw'- small rattan ball but look what was in store for us inside...

I wouldn't even attempt to describe the sensation of eating this but every mouthful was followed by...sighs of pure joy...

Look at these heart-shaped darlings...we love you too!!!

Another local species that we love...

Its flesh is thinner, softer and much sweeter.

We bought six fruits. It was so good that I actually sneaked back to the store after having savored the first fruit upon reaching home. The store owner gave me a big knowing grin and asked, "Sudah habis? (Already finished?)". Feeling like a child with her hand caught in the cookie jar, I lied, "Belum, kawan minta beli (Not yet, friend asked to buy)". Don't think she believed me at all. The pile of fruits that was there two hours ago had almost vanished. What was left were smaller fruits, but I still came away with 5 gorgeous looking midget kings.

The best way to eat this king of fruits is squatting on the floor with many durian-crazy friends and family. My sister Mui was supposedly on a diet and would just taste one or two seeds but the tasting turned out to be one or two seeds from every durian that was opened! So satisfied (or guilty) that she vowed this would her only durian session for the season...we'll see!



  1. droooollllll...omg, these pretty durians make my heart beats i dont even dare to think about them cos the price is killing...haii

  2. Hi Star, thought of u when posting this. U would have loved these!!

  3. This must be the jungle durians that heather spoke of. They look really pretty with the raffia strings, very christmassy, I think this christmas, I'll hang some on the trees.

    Only small problem with the smell :-) lol.


  4. the more i look at the pics the more i droolllll...yum yum!!!

