Thursday, October 4, 2007

Kai Lan Stew

This might not look like much but it is sooo good...

We have my sister Betty to thank for this. She is one fantastic cook who has a palate so fine-tuned that with one taste she can tell exactly what goes into a dish.
When relating the recipe to me she was practically drooling and I was wondering if she has lost it...her taste buds gone haywire or what.. how good can this dish be?
It sounds just like the 'hum choy' soup we get in the 'Kwong Tung Chai' roast duck shop. It is quite similar but the stewed pork ribs give it a different and richer dimension and it is soooo easy to cook.
A dish I have included in my lazy and good one-pot meal list. As the kai lan is certainly the star of this dish, we will call it...Kai lan stew.
It is so good for days that you just don't have the energy to cook and no mood to eat out but still have a whole brood of hungry mouths to feed.
I now keep all the leftover roast duck in the freezer ready to be popped into the pot any time. Also a can or two of the stewed pork ribs in the pantry just for days like this.

Kai Lan Stew

500 gm kai lan (kale) - I put in 1 kg to feed four
1 can stewed pork ribs (400-500gm)

1 bowl of roasted duck (left-overs like the neck, wings and bony parts)

2-3 big chillies, whole

1 cup water

Wash the kai lan, pluck the leaves from the stem and break into halves if too big. Peel the hard stem and cut into 2" length.

Put water in a pot to boil. Add duck and chillies, simmer until the aroma of the roasted duck surface.

Add kai lan and pork ribs, bring to boil and lower heat to simmer. Let cook until veggie becomes very soft. Serve with rice.


Note: Hi, did anyone here in KK had any problem accessing the blogger dashboard for the past two days like I did? Just managed to log in late afternoon yesterday.


  1. i swear..when the picture loaded..and i saw the picture of the kai lan mouth tickled a lil bit...

  2. looks like the dish where you cook leftovers with Kai Choy with lots of assam and cili. Adoi..air luih meleleh oledi. LOL!

  3. Don: U'll like it especially the gravy 2 go with ur rice.

    PP: Yeah, very similar.

  4. Umm, i never used to enjoy this until recently.

    And I have to say that it's mostly because of the chicken rice shop in subang parade. Yes, I know I know, it's a bit sad.

    But really, it's quite good lah.

