With the lunch and dinner calendar so fully packed and the new school term looming we decided to have something very simple and small in the last minute. I gave her a limit in the number of guests to invite because the two kokos (her brothers) were not around to help with games and crowd control. I was so relieved when she decided she wanted the party to be an all-girls do.
It was a very nice relaxing party and I think the girls were glad there were no boys around.
I cooked an aubergine pasta which Leanne like but was apprehensive that the rest might not take to it (the only meat was some bacon crisps for flavor). Anyway, I needn't have worried as they loved it too. I will post the recipe the next time I cook it as I don't have any food pictures, if you noticed. The reason being I wasn't the one behind the camera.
I did the cake too as I just couldn't bring myself to get one of those colorful thingy that taste like chemical concoction in our neighborhood bakery stores. Leanne wasn't very happy as there was no deco but it was a hit taste-wise. A peach crumble cheesecake, very easy to do, will put up the recipe once I get a reasonable picture.
The closest of the food pics. He does take good portraits though...
my dearest pao-pei's birthday!
love you so much my darling...
when i go home, we go out for special girls day out and have a special belated birthday party for you, k?
aww such a lucky gurl..my mum will only say "girl, i dabao kfc/mcd/pizza hut for u k?"
Awww, that's so sweet... Happy Birthday, Leanne :) Oh, aunty, here's my blog address http://ec-blank-canvas.blogspot.com/
df, promise???
kbcg, we grew up with no b'day celebration too...too many for my mum to cope.
nana, the photos still didn't come through...maybe i need to change my computer :p
a happy belated birthday,
celebrate with friends to play,
with good food on the tray,
and joy forever on the way...
ha! such a sweett girl leanne, Happy Birthday! (,")
Frank the poet, good to hear from u again. Happy new year to u and Iris.
denise, tq.
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