This beautiful christmas gift came all the way from New Zealand. I cried when I received it, not of sadness but more of a realization of how, in so many ways and instances I underestimated or overlooked my children's thoughtfulness.
A recipe box. What is so special about that? You might ask. To me, it is priceless and it showed me the thought that went into the gift. Let me share with you the reason why this gift touched my heart so...

This has been my recipe box for more than a decade, a branded classic :-p. It housed many of my favorite recipes. I have had it for so long that I never really see the need to upgrade. I was really very surprised that someone in the house noticed this item which was always tucked at a corner and that it was my son even amazes me more.
This showed me how much more I need to learn about my children and how they grow and change with the years.
The old and the new.
The new has the index cards which I always wanted but never got around to do for my old.
The old fits perfectly in the new house.
Look so good too.
Finally my recipes are categorized.
Now I am busy taking down more of my favorite recipes from another of my dinosaur's age (before the age of internet) recipe recording method which is about to fall into pieces...

...the one and only, limited edition cookbook, my green book.
A cut and paste pesto sauce recipe from a food wrapper (I remember it was from the plastic bag that came with the pine nuts from Mee). Very authentic recipe.
Another cut and paste, the fabulous CNY Yee Sang recipe of Amy Beh found in The Star.
Even though I love the internet access to recipes, I still prefer to have my recipes in cards as they are more handy (have you ever try running back and forth from where the computer is to the kitchen like 10x to make sure you've got a recipe correctly?), unless and until I have a computer in the kitchen (even then)...
...this will remains my most treasured box for a long, long time.
Thank you, Don.
That is so sweet and thoughtful of your son. And just the right size too!! Lucky you.
oh, this melted my heart n wet my eyes too. don, u rock man!
Don is as thoughful as the mom !
WAH!!!! dondon the champion!!!!
an excellent gift, and looks really nice as well. the older one is classic, and serviceable, but the new one, its an emotional thing - special :-)
Your son in NZ? Which part? Auckland? All I can say is you've brought him up well. It certainly shows the closeness between you and him...something rare in this rat-race world. Pat on the back!
i'm so supper happy to see you love it aunty. The first time dondon saw it he already thought of you and said wanna get it for you. And thanks to show the pictures of the inside of the box cos i was dying to know how it looks inside but they don't have a tester box for us to check. He was so worried too, phewww
And Happy Ox Year to you and the whole family!!! Wish you health and lots of happiness for this coming year.
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