Bryan left today to start a brand new chapter in his life.
I thought with practice this letting-go part of motherhood would get easier. So very wrong...there is no getting use to as far as this part of the job is concerned.
Remember when he was a baby in my arms and I was thinking how nice to see him all grown up and independent...and now when he is ready to fly, all I want is that moment when he was in my arms...We teach them to reach for the stars but want them to stay grounded at the same time... Life is one big ironical equation, isn't it?
Another irony, it takes distance to bring me closer to my older children. I love them to bits, I know, but I have this incessant urge to nag (all in the name of 'it is for their own good') and pick on them when they were living at home. Now, with them so far away and the nagging out of the way, we can chat for hours (thanks to the internet and phone card or we would all be broke) like good old friends.
Awww...it takes time to get used to. You are right, when I was around i used to argue a lot with my mum and when i went over to Oz to study, we became best of friends. That's life i guess.
making me tear...but at least u have 2 more at home n by the time leanne goes, u'll be minding grandkids.cheers!
Thanks p pea, yeah, it's gonna take a while to get use to not hearing all the bickering in the house.
u made me cry, mi!
terri, thought i'd bump into u yday at the airport. we sent off bryan at noon and i thought yi was coming in at around the same time...oh well, they do come and go. Like p pea said, tt's life...
df, join the crowd, tt was yday. today all things back to normal n weather dry again :D
love you and miss you all the time mi.
come shanghai and nag me, k? :)
Hahaha, then the trip would hv to b cut short n u b rushing back to work..
:) hehehe... okie la... no nagging la... ;p
For all the nagging you done in the past and present , It was good for myself. i would be a far different person than i am today.. so Just wanna thank you. will let you nag when i come home and more after that,k? hehe..
ps. the teasing will always be there even when we are grown men with children..we'll still tease each other..
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