The title might differ but this recipe is inspired by the blog, Ganache-ganache, of a young lady who makes amazing cakes and pastry and best of all, takes order for them.
This is her pumpkin buns recipe which I adapted and had a blast with.
My sister, Mui gave me this big pumpkin which had been sitting in the kitchen for weeks. Not wanting to cut it open as I know I had to have enough ways to cook it up fast.

I still have half left even after using some to cook in Terri's style (see how red the pumpkin flesh is) and my usual balsamic glazed.
Following ganache's advice I peeled, steamed and freeze the remainder for future use.
Click here for Ganache-ganache's original sugar-free pumpkin buns.
I halved the recipe as half the household is not in town.
Pumpkin Chelsea Buns
300g bread flour
150g pumpkin puree (peeled, steamed, mashed or blended)
40g castor sugar
75 - 80 ml milk (depends on the moisture content of the pumpkin puree)
1 t salt
1 t instant yeast
40g butter, softened
Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl, rub in the butter and stir in the sugar and yeast.
Add in the milk and mix well into a firm dough.
Turn the dough out on a flour surface and knead (my favorite part) for 10 minutes or so until smooth and elastic.
When that is achieved, return it to a floured bowl, cover with a tea towel and leave it in a warm corner for 30 minutes or until the dough doubled in size.
Like this... when the yeasty fragrance is most pronounced and it looks like it is alive.

At this stage, turn out the dough on to a floured surface and knock or punch it down.

Roll out the dough into a square of about 30 cm.
1T melted butter
1T brown sugar mix with 1t ground cinnamon
40g raisins (or chocolate chips as Bryan requested)
40g walnuts (coarsely chopped)
Brush with the melted butter.

Sprinkle with the brown sugar and as can be seen from the picture above, half of the dough was sprinkle with raisin while the other half, chocolate chips as requested by Bryan.
After the nuts are sprinkled on, roll the dough up, Swiss roll style.

Cut the roll into 12 slices.

And place them in an oiled 23cm cookie pan. Cover and leave for another 30 minutes until they double in size again.
Meanwhile, preheat oven to 200c.
Bake the buns for 15 minutes or until they are golden.
Leave to cool on a rack.
2T sugar
1 T water
Gently heat the sugar and water until sugar dissolve.
Brush the glaze over the warm buns.

whoa, pumpkin rolls! i can never make good bread dough with my hands so hats off to u. btw, when i took tt lesson on hk baos, we were also taught to make sweet potatoes baos. kinda like this recipe, steaming and mashing the potatoes.
I love pumpkins, to eat or just to look at the round ones...they're cute looking:o). I only started to realise of late that there is so many dishes one can do with pumpkin!
Wow, your pictures are gorgeous ! Were the buns soft & fluffy ?
Oh, I can never knead with my hands too ! I've got no patience for this & get fed up when the dough starts getting sticky...
These look really pretty:)
It was really a great piece of work:D
terri, u can make good anything! Share the potatoes baos recipe - i still hv a reserve of mashed pumpkin in the freezer and pumpkin baos sound good too.
wmw, i love it too.
ganache, tq. They were and so good to eat. I made another batch the next day.
christy, tq.
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