2007 has been a mixed year- good and bad, up and down, happy and sad, arrivals and departures but most of all, it has been a year of great awakening. I've learned great deal about myself- some good and much more that are screaming for improvement and changes.
My passion for cooking has been reignited by my hubby, K and this blog. K's enthusiasm with cooking knows no bound and from him I learnt to go out of my comfort zone and be more creative. With blogging, I discovered another new love and that is photography which, incidentally was K's old love and hence, is now reignited by my enthusiasm!
With 2008 looming ahead, I hope what I have learnt in the year 2007 will come in handy and get me through the coming year in a less bumpy ride.
So, to welcome the new year, we leave you with a Chinese classic dish the Siew Nyuk.
This recipe is from K's colleague Ong T W. I have never had any success with my previous attempts in this dish and I wasn't too optimistic about this recipe because it seemed too simple. The result came as a real surprise and a new year's bonus. We achieved the most sought after crackling of skin combined with a moist succulent meat. What a start to a new year!! Thanks, T W.
Use side belly meat with ribs still intact about 2 Kg
Dip pork skin side down in boiling water for 10 minutes.
Take pork out and score underside.
Marinade underside with about a tablespoon of fermented red bean curd paste (num nui).
Leave to marinade for 4 hours.
Puncture skin well with fork or fish scaler and then rub over with coarse salt.

Roast in oven for 40 min @ 180-200deg C.
Important to incline pork skin side up to drain oil.
After the 40 min take out and rub fine salt over the skin.
Increase oven temperature to 240deg C and roast for another 15 minutes or until the skin turn golden and crispy.
Observe popping….. watch for burning.
