Before we left for Shanghai, hubby repeatedly remind Leanne not to miss trying out the grilled garlic oysters which he said can be found at almost every corner in Shanghai. We were expecting to have them everyday for appetizer but alas, that was not to be as we couldn't find any near where we stayed. Must have stayed in a wrong address.
When Heather brought us to this 'pasar malam'-like place and we found that K was right.

The whole street were lined with grilled oysters stores and according to Heather there are locations all over Shanghai just like this one - so the dad wasn't exaggerating...
and oysters everywhere you turn.
We went into this stall which Heather said serves good and very fresh seafood.
Leanne wasn't very keen on the seating arrangement as the store was only the size of a small bedroom but packed with more than 20 patrons. It was an elbow to elbow encounter.

Feeling a little claustrophobic....
But all these became immaterial when the food arrived...
First course - 1 kg of these boiled crayfish.
then came the scallops...
followed closely by the oysters both of which were smoldered in garlic/chilli sauce.
and more oysters still... all these were very yummy but I was waiting for something else...
...these hairy ones, the famous Shanghai freshwater crabs. I was told this was the best season (Oct. - Feb.) to eat them. As the weather gets colder these crustaceans become sluggish and lazy so they fatten up and the meat get denser and sweeter. They were smaller than I expected, each one smaller than the size of my palm.
But when one was opened, it was all roe and I couldn't be happier. This is also the season when the crabs were to mate - hence the abundance eggs.
A female crab packed with gorgeous roe.
A male crab with even more glorious 'gau' jelly-like smooth, rich creamy goodness which I never knew existed. I fell in love with these hairy male crabs.
Look at this. Every little morsel was an indulgence. I realized eating hairy crab is all about its roes and not so much the meat.
Couldn't help myself but had to ask for two more crabs all to myself. Guess...male or female??
These mantis shrimps were also on the menu but we gave them a miss as they were deep-fried but the couple next to us were happily cracking and picking on a whole tray of these 'pissing prawns' the whole evening.
yum. your pisc make me wanna rush and go for the oysters and crab tonight!
WOW WEE, like that old Shanghai feel in the steamy dark corner of Shanghai street with the best street food. Wow Shanghai crab in season too, nice time there, look forward to going there next year.
wedge said "the female are eaten first, then the male a month later when they are best"
Oysters...scallop.....and mantis prawn..... looks so yum yum...
really like it.....
btw.. anyway we can get hold of u?..
can u drop us a mail at penangtuapui at thanks
df, once a year enough lah, wait for me to go over..
jencooks, go after Oct cos the hairy crabs only good then.
terri, now u tell me...but i'd still go for the male crabs :P
tua pui, my email -, do drop me a line
WOW!! I know i will be a very happy woman when i dine here.
I hope we can share link, I added urs :)
Now it's easy to follow each other;s post :D
p pea, I think u would be, very, very happy, just like I was.
val, sure. Just keep posting all the authentic indigenous dishes..
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