This restaurant at Xingguo Lu, Xu Hui is near where Heather stays and we passed it a few time walking to Huaihai Lu (the main thoroughfare of the old French Concession and now bustling with shops) but never stop until one late morning when I thought we would be able to get some dim sum here. But someone was yelling hungry, so we had an early lunch instead of a late breakfast.

BBQ pork and
roasted duck platter. Tasted better than they looked.
All these were rather mediocre dishes until we hit the jackpot with this...
This got to be the epitome of the goodness of hong shao rou (red cooked pork). I would kill to get the recipe of this dish and the technique to get the meat so perfectly cooked. The 1/2 inch of the belly fat was soft, smooth, silky and succulent without falling apart and didn't taste one bit like fat. The sauce accompanying was amazing - no cornstarch here - some kind of caramelized reduce stock with a amazing depth of flavors. This was totally crazy as I threw all health caution out of the window and dug in with gusto especially with the fatty parts. No pangs of guilt at all when the plate was wiped clean and I alone had almost half of it. Like I said, didn't taste like fat at all...
I am going without pork until I return to this restaurant again and have just this dish all to myself...
ohhhh the pork the pork...dying to visit shanghai..looks like need to shed a good few kgs b4 i go..
All the food looks yummy and I believe taste grummy!! except for the half drunk chicken - which by the looks you know it's tasteless and the meat I'm sure is like a disintegrating papers :P
But, I would go for the chicken skins :)
Wow..from the way you described the pork belly, gulp...i so wanna try.
oh i love shen jen baos more mnore than xiao long baos. n the pork.. wey'll go crazy eating tt. love the pic of the baos.
joe, starve b4 going....
val, the chicken, i think was only half drunk:p
p pea, it was sooo good..
terri, the shen jen boas in wujiang were much better.
look great!!
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